Word exercis September

This is to help with artblock and give some inspiration

5 Nouns

  • Role
  • News
  • Finding
  • Accident
  • Writer

5 Verbs

  • Mix
  • Direct
  • Spare
  • Boast
  • Invent

5 Adjectives

  • Faded
  • Harsh
  • Direful
  • Resolute
  • Heavenly

5 Extended

  • myriapodous
  • perpetuable
  • earthworms
  • inversed
  • pyrographer

5 Non-English Words

  • sumada
  • condurada
  • puenteaba
  • destejerias
  • sobrevinierais

And a bonus:
Im testing out a new kind of word exercise and it’s some random names and I am thinking of making some caracters based on the names. Its free to make in what ever media you use, but I hope I can mix it with some drawings, some protos and some mixmedia art as well.

10 Names
You deise if your caracter is feme, male or whatever you want. It is Your creation, make the best out of the inspiration..

  1. Dominique Holden
  2. Diego Mcdaniel
  3. Eddy French
  4. Garrett Marshall
  5. Jose Galvan

  1. Chasity Gregory
  2. Abby Dalton
  3. Terry Levy
  4. Beverley Dillon
  5. Candice Hampton

If you need some more help with consept, places or just an extra spark to fume your creative mind, I hope this can help you make something grate.

  • What Am I, Chopped Liver?
    Meaning: A rhetorical question used by a person who feels they are being given less consideration than someone else.
  • Barking Up The Wrong Tree
    Meaning: To make a wrong assumption about something.
  • When the Rubber Hits the Road
    Meaning: When something is about to begin, get serious, or put to the test.
  • There’s No I in Team
    Meaning: To not work alone, but rather, together with others in order to achieve a certain goal.
  • Goody Two-Shoes
    Meaning: A smugly virtuous person.

And if needed:

  • He is no James Bond; his name is Roger Moore.
  • He kept telling himself that one day it would all somehow make sense.
  • The green tea and avocado smoothie turned out exactly as would be expected.
  • I never knew what hardship looked like until it started raining bowling balls.
  • The newly planted trees were held up by wooden frames in hopes they could survive the next storm.
  • The toy brought back fond memories of being lost in the rain forest.
  • The reservoir water level continued to lower while we enjoyed our long shower.
  • The furnace repairman indicated the heating system was acting as an air conditioner.
  • Bill ran from the giraffe toward the dolphin.
  • Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind.
  • I was very proud of my nickname throughout high school but today- I couldn’t be any different to what my nickname was.
  • The trick to getting kids to eat anything is to put catchup on it.
  • Yeah, I think it’s a good environment for learning English.
  • Italy is my favorite country; in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there next year.
  • I think I will buy the red car, or I will lease the blue one.

Now, lets be creative

The 7 words of the week

  1. theory
  2. title
  3. smell
  4. functional
  5. silky
  6. use
  7. eye

And / Or:

  1. dirty
  2. sack
  3. oval
  4. cabbage
  5. left
  6. arrest
  7. support

Now go and make some art.

Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

The 7 words of the week

  1. bite
  2. unfasten
  3. blot
  4. hair
  5. dust
  6. birds
  7. tick

And / Or:

  1. stare
  2. numerous
  3. juice
  4. adventurous
  5. neat
  6. fit
  7. old

Now go and make some art.

Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

The 7 words of the week

  1. trap
  2. quack
  3. wistful
  4. tick
  5. step
  6. pray
  7. sack

And / or:

  1. reading
  2. irritating
  3. steer
  4. protective
  5. stupid
  6. action
  7. sour

Now go and make some art.
Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

The 7 words of the week

  1. bore
  2. deranged
  3. numerous
  4. twig
  5. rinse
  6. sniff
  7. troubled


  1. beginner
  2. parsimonious
  3. useful
  4. hum
  5. song
  6. railway
  7. calculating

Now go and make some art.

Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

7 words (+ 7)

  1. talented
  2. typical
  3. kindly
  4. visitor
  5. toothbrush
  6. jolly
  7. curtain
  1. strip
  2. tiresome
  3. receive
  4. nest
  5. reproduce
  6. eye
  7. bee

Now go and make some art.
Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

The 7 words of the week

  1. share
  2. note
  3. slip
  4. grandfather
  5. hose
  6. protective
  7. team

And / Or:

  1. example
  2. powder
  3. dry
  4. stage
  5. sisters
  6. surprise
  7. locket

Now go and make some art.

Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

7 words v. 03 (+ 7)

  1. brake
  2. excellent
  3. playground
  4. same
  5. sort
  6. pointless
  7. suspect


  1. awake
  2. insurance
  3. high
  4. drop
  5. muscle
  6. disagree
  7. boiling

Now go and make some art.
Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.

7 words v. 01

  1. toes
  2. sheet
  3. likeable
  4. wary
  5. cherries
  6. joyous
  7. chief
  8. surprise
  9. question
  10. elegant
  11. cannon
  12. picayune
  13. harbor
  14. rhetorical

Kör på som tidigare och tar 7 + 7 extra ord som man kan välja att tolka under helgen/veckan som kommer. Vill man göra det lite extra svårt så kan man alltid ta alla 14 ord och tolka.